The Howard Local Governing Committee (LGC), was inaugurated in February 2023.  The committee oversees the strategic work of The Howard and is directly responsible to The Staffordshire Schools Multi Academy Trust Board of Directors.

Certain responsibilities have been delegated to the LGC, which are reported to the Board of Directors on a regular basis.

​What the committee members can do:

The committee members are responsible for making sure the school is run so children are encouraged to achieve their full potential.

They are involved in:

  • Supporting the direction, policies and objectives of the school
  • Agreeing the school budget
  • Making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based
  • Challenging and supporting the Headteacher

What Committee Members can’t do:

The LGC is a group. Individual members have no powers except where the whole committee has given them a specific job to do.

The LGC make their decisions based on the advice of members that deal with specific issues, such as the school's curriculum, premises or finances. They don’t make decisions individually and they can’t go into schools and make demands of the Headteacher and staff.

To find out more about the LGC, ask any member of the governing team.


Committee Members

Full Governing Committee — 7 members: Serving for a period of 4 years.




Date appointed


Helen Robertson 

Community Member (Chair)   



Carolyn Gavin

Community Member 

01.02.23 SEND, Vulnerable Groups, Pupil Premium, Wellbeing

Chris Billingham

Community Member

01.02.23 English, EYFS (Early Years)
Jackie Tyler Community Member 01.02.23 Early Years & SMSC (Spirtual, Moral, Social & Cultural), Wellbeing, British Values
Lesley Bovington Community Member 01.02.23 Finance, Health & Safety, Premises, Sports Premium
Polly Embury Community Member 01.02.23 Curriculum
Harriet Jennings Staff Member 01.02.23 SMSC (Spirtual, Moral, Social & Cultural), Wellbeing, British Values
Jon Wynn Headteacher Member 01.02.23  



Date appointed

Date Resigned 

Andrew Sheldrake    Parent Member 01.02.23 04.10.23
Mathew Morgan  Parent Member 01.02.23 22.04.24


Character profiles 

Helen Robertson: I have many years experience being a Governor at an inner city selective Grammar School. I was further involved as chair of the staff and student welfare committee covering safeguarding issues and curriculum changes.I am a member of Elford Parish Council and have just retired from the position as non-clinical managing director at a busy dental practice in Sutton Coldfield. I have completed training as a mental health co ordinator within the medical sector. I live in Elford with my husband and have two sons. 

Jackie Tyler: Prior to visiting The Howard school fortnightly to lead  assemblies, I spent several years as a governor for Mary Howard school gaining a wealth of experience.I am very interested in Early Years, PHSE and the support offered to all learners over and above curriculum studies. 

Lesley Bovington: As I have grandchildren at The Howard, I'm often at the school gates, and I enjoy being involved in school events, fundraisers and outings. My career has focused on the management of community-facing services across a range of providers, including education and training, and I would describe my key strengths as being in project management, budget management, health and safety and communications. My aim as a school governor is to support the children and staff in making The Howard a happy, safe and achieving learning environment for all.

Chris Billingham: I have a background in international industry and then education. I have kept a close connection, in various capacities, to the school for over 35 years, and have a strong
commitment to support and promote the best for The Howard School.

Carolyn Gavin: I am one of the Howard School's community governors. When I moved into the village one of my close friends encouraged me to volunteer to become involved with the school and I am very glad that she did. The Howard has a very vibrant community: enthusiastic pupils, dedicated staff and an active and supportive PTFA, it is an integral part of our community. I am a mental health nurse by trade and when I used to work clinically I predominantly worked with children and young people, my role now has taken me in different directions and so it is always great to spend time at the school.